Sunday 16 September 2007

Many happy....!

It was my birthday last week, so I went out to the Village with friends to celebrate. I'd booked a table at Taurus for 7.30, and arrived at The Village to get ready at AXM at 6pm, as usual. I'd parked over near Bloom Street, and as I walked past the Northern Concord I started chatting to one of the girls from there who had parked outside. So we were talking about what was in store for the evening and so on, and I told her where I was off to just then.
'It's closed', she said. 'There's a sign on the door. They won't be open tonight.'
'Oh s***,' was my reply. Not a good start to the evening. When I asked about what time their own facilities would open at the NC, that wouldn't be until 7-7.15, as they were meeting up for a meal at 6. A quick text to Becky Richards: 'what's plan B? AXM is closed?'
'Try NC,' was the reply. 'No good until 7 at the earliest,' I answered. 'What will you do?' I asked.
'I'm already dressed,' says Becks! Good old Becks! She has this way of knowing!
So, time for a bit of thinking on the feet. I decided to go to Taurus, and see what I could try, as I'd got a table booked there already.
So, picture the scene: this guy walks up to the bar and says 'hi, my name's Lisa, and I've got a table booked for 7.30. Only problem is, AXM is closed, and I need to get changed, and make myself look a bit different. Do you mind if I use your loos?'
'Sure, no problem,' was the reply!
So, then it's down to the gents for a wet shave, then a quick sneak across to the ladies to get changed in a cubicle. So there I was, dressed, but needed the big mirror to put my make up on, as you do. I kept my holdall in the cubicle, in case I needed to go back in, and sure enough, I hear a young girl coming in with her mummy. I rushed back in to the cubicle, whilst listening to what little girls say to mummy when they're trying to be grown up in the loo! I was just about able to stifle a male laugh!
Then after the coast was clear, it was back to the mirror to carry on with the make up.
About 10 minutes later, I hear mummy and daughter approaching again, and as I didn't think I looked right yet, it was another retreat to the cubicle!
After they'd finished, I was able to carry on and finish with my make up. A lovely Geordie girl called Alex came in towards the end, and we had a lovely chat about make up, and the Manchester scene; it was her second day there, having started at Uni.
Well after all that, I was still able to get to the bar early to order a Mojito, and I'd kept my composure right through. I passed a big test on Wednesday!
Finally, at the bar, mummy and daughter come and stand alongside me, and start talking to me about the choice of desserts in Taurus! That really did make me smile!
As for the rest of the evening? Well I think there were about 10 of us in the end, as friends started inviting friends and they just kept adding tables on the end of the row.
A lovely meal and experience!
Thanks girls!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A great story Lisa ! & just sorry I couldn't make it, seemed a lovely evening. xxx