Friday 6 February 2009

Excuse me!

Coming home late after a night out a few weeks ago, I drove past a guy in a suit who was wobbling along the road, a bit the worse for wear, about 100 yards from my home, 3 miles out from town. People rarely walk along here in the daytime, never mind at 2 in the morning.

So I get home, reverse up the drive, and as soon as I stop the car, this guy appears at the top of the drive, about 10 feet from the car and starts shouting ‘Excuse me’. I was sure next doors dogs were going to start barking, and this guy could see me sat in my car, but I was in no hurry to get out of the car, or talk to him, as in his state you couldn’t have had a simple conversation with him! So I waited, and he stood there, and kept saying ‘Excuse me’. I thought any moment now he’s going to set the dogs off, and then wake the neighbours up, so we had a stand-off! He just wasn’t going away, and I wasn’t going to get out of the car whilst he was there.

So there was only one thing for it…. Turn the engine on and drive out on to the road, and drive round my village! I don’t think there’s anything else I could have done!

I passed him on the way back home, heading off in the general direction of town.

1 comment:

Mrs Kate said...

You did the right thing Lisa - other than set the dogs on him of course! A lady must be careful when there are drunks around - although he must have been a better class of drunk to be dressed in a suit!xx