Thursday 15 January 2009

The Selfridges Party

Becks, Jane and I had arranged to go over to the Selfridges 10th Birthday Party at the Trafford Centre, early last month. Apparently they were selling 800 tickets, and it was all taking place in the make up area, with free food and drink thrown in, plus a lovely goody bag at the end.

We had a fun time, strolling around and talking to the girls on the various counters, and entering a few competitions as well. Some of the other shoppers in there were also very friendly and chatted with us. There were 1 or 2 double takes, but by and large, it was a lovely and friendly atmosphere, with hardly any blokes in there, as you’d expect, really. The MAC girls looked after us really well, and we all had a mini-eye makeover done by Melyssia, who’s a lovely and friendly babe. I bought some lovely eye shadows from them for the party season.

We must have stayed there until about 11pm, and it had really emptied out by that time, but we’d had such a lovely experience, and made some new friends on the counters.

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